Monday, August 14, 2006
Cambridge - Parting shots of the Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics where Stephen Hawking works. The bottom images are typical houses in the neighbourhood right beside DAMTP where Stephen Hawking could live if he had a spare £1 million. If he doesn't live in a grand home he should, the Universe being a fair dealer.
Have to mention the Fitzwilliam Museum where I saw the notebook of Newton from 1662 where in clear and dark printing he had notes on Optics, his laundry expenses, and things he wished forgiveness for such as 'harping at Christmas' for which he charged himself 50 pence. I also saw the writings of Virginia Woolf, Thomas Hardy, Rupert Brooke, and Keats. I will thrilled
to see a whole floor of Roman artifacts but also Greek and Egyptian artifacts. They also had Handel's Bookcase complete with 67 original manuscripts. I found tiles by William Morris and furniture and art by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Leonardo da Vinci drawings were also there.