Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Bexley Heath - William Morris' s Red House - please let me indulge myself with lots of pictures. I have shown restraint and not shown them all. It was a miracle to find this place outside of London by train. A local man drew me a map of how to negotiate through back lanes, intersections and down what used to be countryside in the 1860's. William Morris was a dreamer and many of his plans for Red House were never implemented because they were impractical. He did hold worker bees whereby artist friends were invited to come from London for the weekend to paint different ceilings. He had an elaborate series of pegs so they would be able to replicate intricate patterns. He was not okay about the 'friendship' between his wife and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. When Sir Edward Burne-Jones and his wife were devastated by their loss of their daughter, enthusiasm for the Red House waned and the long journey it took to get there and so William Morris reluctantly left it behind.

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